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NBCOT Continues Support of Research Initiatives

NBCOT’s board of directors is committed to supporting research with the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF).

NBCOT’s board of directors is committed to supporting research with the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF). We would like to acknowledge the recipients of the Intervention Research Grant, Implementation Research Grant, and Health Services Research Grant.

Congratulations to this year’s grant recipients! Visit for more information on their grant programs.

Intervention Research Grant

This grant provides funding for the development of new and/or novel ideas in order to generate preliminary data as proof of concept.

Namrata Grampurohit, PhD, OTR/L
Thomas Jefferson University
"Post-Discharge Support for Caregivers
of Adults with Stroke Through Telehealth

Mentor: Mary Jane Mulcahey
Danbi Lee, PhD, OTD, OTR/L
University of Washington
"Return to Life After Stroke: Motivational
Interviewing and Self-Management Support in
Early Stroke Rehabilitation"

Mentor: Chuck Bombardier
Janet Njelesani, PhD, OTR/L
New York University
"An Occupation-Based Intervention to
Address Bullying Against Students with

Mentor: Kristie Koenig
Emily Sommerville, OTD, OTR/L
Washington University - St. Louis
"A Tailored Medication Management
Intervention with Older Adults"

Mentor: Susan Stark
Alex Wong, PhD, DPhil, BSOT
Washington University - St. Louis
"Feasibility of Mobile Self-
Management Intervention for Mild Stroke"

Mentor: Carolyn Baum

Implementation Research Grant

This grant supports research that is focused on helping occupational therapists take evidence-informed practice from theory to reality in their practice setting. The grant develops and evaluates the processes used to implement, sustain, or scale-up evidence-based practice into routine care with an end goal to improve the quality and effectiveness of care.

Mary Khetani, ScD, OTR/L
University of Illinois at Chicago
"Implementation f Electronic Shared
Decision-Making Support For Families to
Design and Monitor Participation-
Focused Early Intervention"

Mentor: Natalie Leland
Chiung-ju Lui, PhD, OTR/L, FGSA
University of Florida College of Public Health
and Health Professions
"Implementing 3-Step Workout for Life to
Improve ADL Outcomes in Home Health"

Mentor: Michael Marsiske
Kelly Tanner, PhD, OTR/L, BCP
Nationwide Children's Hospital
"Implementing Parent Coaching in Occupational
Therapy for Young Children with Cerebral Palsy:
A Multi-Site Project"

Mentor: Nathalie Maitre

Health Services Research Grant

This grant supports research that examines how people get access to health care, how and what care is delivered, the cost of that care, and what happens to patients as a result of receiving or not receiving care.

Amber Angell, PhD, OTR/L
University of Florida
"Health Services Utilization of Autistic Youth:
Are Therapeutic Services Associated with
Reduced Acute Psychiatric Care?"

Mentor: Timothy Reistetter
Alison Cogan, MA, PhD, OTR/L
Washington DC VA Medical Center
"Recovery in Adults with Brain Injury During
Inpatient Rehabilitation"

Mentor: Trudy Mallinson
Mi Jung Lee, PhD, BSOT
University of Florida
"Predicting Individuals' Functional Difficulties
Functional Difficulties at Home Using
Statistical Machine Learning"

Mentor: Craig Velozo
Chih-Ying "Cynthia" Li, PhD, OTR/L
University of Texas Medical Branch
"OT Service Intensity in Home Health and
Impact on Health Outcomes"

Mentor: Kenneth Ottenbacher