Reviewed the NBCOT Code of Conduct Lately?
When applying for the exam or renewing your certification, you attest to reading and agreeing to abide by the NBCOT Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct.
When applying for the exam or renewing your certification, you attest to reading and agreeing to abide by the NBCOT Candidate/Certificant Code of Conduct. Have you reviewed this document lately? It is vital that you work in a professional manner to earn and maintain the confidence and respect of recipients of occupational therapy, colleagues, employers, students, and the public. As a certified professional in the field of occupational therapy, you will, at all times, act with integrity; adhere to high standards of personal and professional conduct; accept responsibility for your actions, both personally and professionally; seek to enhance your professional capabilities; practice with competence, fairness, and honesty; abide by all federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and encourage others to act in a professional manner consistent with the practice standards and code of conduct.
The attestation you electronically sign indicates that you agree to disclose any criminal, legal, or other disciplinary matters within 60 days of any such matter to NBCOT.
The current code of conduct, which was updated in March 2021, is posted below. You can also find an up-to-date version on our website. We encourage you to review the code of conduct regularly.
Code of Conduct
Principle 1
Certificants shall provide accurate, truthful, and timely representations to NBCOT, including, but not limited to:
- The submission of information on the exam application, certification renewal applications, or the renewal audit form;
- Answers to character review questions and, once certified, the disclosure of any criminal, legal, or other disciplinary matters within 60 days of any such matter;
- The submission of information requested by NBCOT for alleged violations of NBCOT’s policies, requirements, and standards. Certificants shall cooperate with NBCOT concerning investigations and requests for relevant information; and
- The submission of information regarding his/her credential(s), professional license(s), and/or education.
Principle 2
Certificants shall abide by all exam-related security policies including, but not limited to those involving copying or removing exam content and accessing prohibited devices or materials during their exam.
Principle 3
Certificants shall be accurate, truthful, and complete in any and all communications, direct or indirect, with any client, employer, regulatory agency, or other parties as they relate to their professional work, education, professional credentials, research and contributions to the field of occupational therapy.
Principle 4
Certificants shall comply with state and/or federal laws, regulations, and statutes governing the practice of occupational therapy.
Principle 5
Certificants shall not have been convicted of a serious crime.
Principle 6
Certificants shall not engage in behavior or conduct, lawful or otherwise that causes them to be, or reasonably perceived to be, a threat or potential threat to the health, well-being, or safety of recipients or potential recipients of occupational therapy services.
Principle 7
Certificants shall not engage in the practice of occupational therapy while one’s ability to practice is impaired due to chemical (i.e., legal and/or illegal) drug or alcohol abuse.
Principle 8
Certificants shall not electronically post personal health information or anything, including photos, that may reveal a patient’s/client’s identity or personal or therapeutic relationship. (All statements, regardless of intent, about a patient/client can potentially contain sufficient information for a member of a community to recognize the patient/client thus, violating the state and/or federal law (i.e. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)).
Principle 9
Certificants shall not misuse NBCOT’s intellectual property, certification marks, logos, or other copyrighted materials. This includes all NBCOT exam preparation tools, website or exam content. Disclosure of practice test questions or examination material content, including examination questions, is strictly prohibited.
To self-report a criminal or legal matter, or to disclose a disciplinary action to NBCOT, simply send an email to professional.conduct@nbcot.org and provide a written explanation of the incident as well as a copy of documentation regarding the allegation or finding.